Leading your staff with data – How to collect it and what to do with it?
Data serves as a backbone for decision-making. Personnel management is not an exeption. To make the right decisions, information needs to be collected regularly. Moreover, collected data must be refined to indicate what needs to be done clearly.
Regularly collecting data doesn't mean conducting an annual employee survey, as these typically reflect the past. Regularity refers to constantly being in pulse with your staff and, through this, being able to react quickly.
Virtual colleagues, such as chatbots, are an effective way to collect data from your personnel on regular basis. By initiating a dialogue, real-time feedback can be gathered during onboarding or exit stages in Teams, WhatsApp or Intras – no traditional questionnaires reguired.
The dialogue empowered by chatbots collects data, which is then visualized. This transforms data into insights, which can be quickly implemented as correct decisions or areas of improvement throughout the organization. This, in turn, significantly saves resources for the entire organization, especially for managers and HR professionals.
The process described above is a simplified description of "real life", but collecting personnel data with bots and refining it into actions is not rocket science. It's more about having a genuine desire to understand your personnel than technology - and it's much more enjoyable, engaging, and participatory than traditional surveys.